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Snowfactory snow at the Base of the mountain.
Due to the recent mild, conditions, only patches of
snow remain on the upper mountain. The upper runs are now closed until we get further snow
The lower conveyor are has now several freestlye features and is in good condition for thid weekends' rail jam
Snow Level: 950m
Current Weather:
Bright and breezy with snow showers
Forecast Weather:
The forecast is light rain, becoming heavier and turning to snow on the summits by late afternoon. 40 to 55 mph South Westerly winds at the Top Station.
Lift | Status | Length |
Funicular | Open | 2,000m |
Snowbadger Magic Carpet 1 | Open | 100m |
Snowbadger Magic Carpet 2 | Closed | 100m |
Fiacaill Ridge Poma | Closed | 1,030m |
Day Lodge Poma | Closed | 792m |
Sunkid Tow | Closed | 296m |
Coire Cas T-bar | Closed | 1,061m |
M1 Poma | Closed | 805m |
Ptarmigan T-Bar | Closed | 521m |
Coire Na Ciste T-Bar | Closed | 828m |
Polar Express Trainer Lift | Closed | 122m |
West Wall Poma | Closed | 1,640m |
Car Park T-Bar | Closed | 1,000m |
Run | Status | Difficulty |
Snowbadger Learners 1 | Open | Easy |
Snowbadger Learners 2 | Closed | Easy |
Car Park Run | Closed | Easy |
Cottams Way | Closed | Easy |
Burnside | Closed | Easy |
The Slot | Closed | Easy |
Sheiling | Closed | Easy |
Home Road | Closed | Easy |
Ridge Run | Closed | Intermediate |
Side Slope | Closed | Intermediate |
Fiacaill Run | Closed | Intermediate |
Zig Zags | Closed | Easy |
Gun Barrel | Closed | Intermediate |
Upper Cas | Closed | Easy |
105 | Closed | Intermediate |
M1 | Closed | Difficult |
White Lady | Closed | Difficult |
Fiacaill Traverse | Closed | Intermediate |
Traverse | Closed | Easy |
Ptarmigan Bowl | Closed | Easy |
Ciste Bowl | Closed | Easy |
Ciste Fairway | Closed | Easy |
M2 | Closed | Intermediate |
Ciste Gully | Closed | Difficult |
West Wall | Closed | Expert |
Aonach Bowl | Closed | Difficult |
Bynack | Closed | Difficult |
Ryvoan | Closed | Difficult |
Over Yonder | Closed | Intermediate |
No 1 Gully | Closed | Intermediate |
No 2 Gully | Closed | Expert |
Day Lodge Run | Closed | Intermediate |
Upper M2 | Closed | Easy |
Ptarmigan Freestyle Area | Closed | Difficult |
-2° Light snow
Wind Gust
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
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